$70 /wEEK

Online Coaching offers an individualised training program tailored to your goals, with weekly adjustments based on your progress. You'll receive nutritional guidance, formal weekly check-ins with video feedback, and ongoing support via WhatsApp for any questions outside of check-ins.

  • An in depth call to go through your goals, training history and everything in-between to devise the best plan of attack for you.

  • An individualised training program designed to support your goals. This is continuously adjusted based on your response to training. Suggested load ranges are prescribed week to week where appropriate.

  • Nutritional guidance to support performance in training, body composition goals and making weight for competitions.

  • Formal weekly communication that involves completing a check-in form to answer questions related to your week of training. This is also where videos can be sent for technique feedback. Using this information your coach will provide feedback and make any necessary changes to the plan for the week ahead.

  • WhatsApp messaging is available for any questions outside of the weekly check in.


$200 /5 WEEk BLOCK

Block-to-Block Coaching provides a 5-week individualised training program tailored to your goals. It includes an end-of-block review with video feedback, a call to plan the next block, and email support for training-related questions. Nutritional guidance is not included.

  • An in depth call to go through your goals, training history and everything in-between to devise the best plan of attack for you.

  • An individualised 5-week training program designed to support your goals. Loads are self-selected using RPE. Week 1 loads and end of block goals can be provided after first block of data.

  • Formal end of block communication that involves completing a review form. Your coach will then organise a time to get on a call with you to discuss your training and plan the new block.

  • Email support is available for any questions outside of the end of block check in.

  • Given the increased importance of self direction within this service offering, Block to Block Coaching is only for lifters with training experience and sound technique across most lifts.

    This coaching option will not be offered for powerlifting comp preps.


Group training sessions are held once a week at 3 Point Training, currently on Tuesdays from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM. To attend, Groove members must either be 3 Point Training gym members or pay a casual access fee.


3 Point Training is the home of Groove Lifting Club. Groove members are entitled to a discounted gym membership for $17.95/week.